
Output leader: ACTA, Romania

Main activities:

1. Testing with volunteers. After the training event, the partners and the 2 volunteer managers/country who've participated have a joint 1-day workshop to select between 4 and 8 tools that they find useful in their work. During a 2-month period, the volunteer managers apply these tools and methods in their work with volunteers.

2. Assessment and feedback. Volunteer managers collect feedback with a template prepared by the partners from their volunteers. Each partner assesses the usefulness of the tools and the feedback together with the volunteer managers.

3. Virtual peer learning activities. These are organised between participating volunteer managers and will be held as video conference calls (1 call/group) and Facebook/other discussions, dividing the group into smaller peer learning groups. The groups are supervised by the partners.

4. Documentation of results into a testing report, considering the implications for translated tools and writing an article for Epale.


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