VolExpo (www.volexpo.eu) project partners came together online to implement the project Learning / Teaching / Training Event held on 9-11 March 202. Participants all over the EU, also from different continents, discussed and learned more about the tools “Octagon model”, “Be a hero, be a mentor!”, and 2 more tools which are the surprise, for the pwrticipants in the 2nd day, 3rd day was to launch the 3rd Intellectual Output Test Phase which was the last day of LTTA on Thursday. The tools used in the Learning / Teaching / Training Event enabled interactive training to convey the content to the participants.
#volunteerism #volunteermanagement #trainingmotivation
Opintokeskus Sivis
BOSEV Büyük Ortadoğu Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı
ACTA Center
Cope Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti
Tudás Alapítvány / Foundation of Knowledge
KERIGMA - Instituto de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi
Fonds Sabiedribai